And that's about it for this blog. I have completed my mission, there is nothing left to record. It was a great time and I learned a lot and I hope you did too.
Thanks to Rick, Corey, Andrew, and especially Jason for saying the cleanse probably wasn't a good idea and that I should double-think the whole thing (which I did, though I went ahead and did it anyway). Thanks to Noa and Vanessa for telling me about their own experiences with it, or their friends' experiences. Thanks to Zara, Josh, Theresa, Odien, Jones, and Lervik for general encouragement. Thanks to Brian, Justin, Matt, Mom, Dad, the family, and especially Taylor for putting up with me while I was cleansing. Thanks to Tom for being someone to talk to when, in a hunger-induced haze, I began doubting the wisdom in doing it on the first day. And thanks to anyone who left a comment on this blog.
I actually really enjoyed keeping this blog. I've had blogs before and I've been weary of doing another one. I enjoy reading others' blogs but it's not really my thing to do. But I dug keeping this one and I might do it again if I come up with another adventure. But this one is over.
The end.