Monday, July 14, 2008

"The Book"

And another poop. All water.

Collette (the lady I met at Trader Joe’s) said that you should keep exercising while you’re on the Master Cleanse while the book says that you shouldn’t do any strenuous activity while on it, just keep it low-key, though walking is okay. I’m going to try biking, down to Whole Foods, in a bit. A week and a half of no running while I’m off work is going to be weird, since I try to run as much as I can when I’m not working, but I’ll go with that. But I’ll bike as much as I can (I really don’t have any reason to drive anywhere until this coming weekend) and I’ll walk… as long as I can safely get away from the toilet.

“The book” I keep referring to is a “master-cleanse-book” PDF that Amy sent with her first e-mail about the cleanse. (There’s no cover on it and no name, in the beginning at least, so I don’t know what else I can call it besides “the book.”) The e-mail she sent me was a good start but the book explains everything about the cleanse, answers questions, details the recipes, explains why these things work and others don’t, etc. It’s a good read, as well as going pretty quick. If you came to this blog by way of an e-mail I sent you (or will send, in a little while) then I attached the .pdf of the book to that e-mail and it’s right there. If you came here by way of the MySpace or Facebook bulletin, let me know or send me a MySpace message or an e-mail (to MAR 93 at AOL dot com, of course) and I’ll send you the book. Again, it’s a quick read and even if you don’t go on the cleanse, it might lead you to rethink your eating habits (which would benefit just about anyone in the civilized world).

Really thirsty. I’m dehydrated already. (Well, duh. All this water is coming out my ass. I’d bet that I’ve already shat more water than was in that tumbler.)

I’m waiting until probably 1 to go to Whole Foods. I don’t want to get halfway down the road on my bike and suddenly feel a watery poop coming on. I know it’s in the hot part of the day (iGoogle says it’s 83 degrees in North Hollywood at 12:24). But the book says it’s good to go into a sauna while on this thing, since sweating out a lot of the toxins can help, so I figure being in Southern California and a hot apartment can be a lot of that.

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