Monday, July 14, 2008

First Dose Down

Finished the first dose of the mixture. Not bad (though that last gulp was harsh, for as much cayenne pepper as I put into it).

I totally could not do this diet if I wasn’t allowed to drink water. Luckily, it’s a cornerstone of it (if not all diets).

I just realized I haven't peed in about four hours. And I'm drinking a lot of water. I might be a bit dehydrated. It’s also a little difficult for me to concentrate but you know I’m a bit daffy anyway.

Some concern from others if the cleanse is a good idea, especially since it isn’t recommended by mainstream doctors. Yes, I realize that it may not be the most advisable thing but neither is junk food. I figure there’s worse I could do. Figure it’s a step above a starvation diet, and people do those from time to time and are fine. There are people who have gotten to the other side of the cleanse and have gone on to do it again. There are people who will recommend the stuff that goes into what you take while on the diet. So I’m going to give it a try. I’m going to see this through to the end, no matter what happens. As always I appreciate the concern but I think this is the way to go right now.

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