Monday, July 14, 2008

First Comment

From Emmy: "Wow you really did write about poop"
My reply: "So far, it's all been about my poop so that's what I have to write about so far."

I'm also trying to make sure that everyone knows that communication I have about this diet and the replies that people might send about it (like a reply to the e-mail I sent) I may use in this blog. It is likely that if anyone leaves a Comment here in this blog I will respond to it in its own entry. However I let you know about this blog -- whether through e-mail or MySpace or Facebook bulletin -- I've already told you this so you should already know. But I just want to make sure everyone is cool with this. Some people might get upset if I use their correspondence or name in a blog. And that's cool, just let me know if it's a problem.

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