Monday, July 14, 2008

Still Waiting

Went for a walk. Thinking things over.

Having a second helping of the mixture. My earlier mix was off on the math: Since I was tripling the ingredients for three helpings of the mixture, I should have tripled the amount of maple syrup as well. I don't know what I was thinking. Doing it right now.

1 comment:

TT said...

Hopefully the added sugar from the maple syrup deals with any hunger pangs from low blood sugar.

I wish you luck, and this is a fun read, but color me skeptical. Not skeptical that you'll lose weight, but skeptical on whether toxin flushing does anything long term (or whether you even flush that many toxins).

I'm working on losing weight now just by being aware of what I'm eating -- journaling everything I eat and tracking calories, fats, proteins, carbs. Low key Weight Watchers. 8 pounds off in two weeks, so we'll see how that continues.

Anyway, whatever works, so good luck!