Saturday, July 19, 2008

Day 6

I ended up staying at the movies last night until about 1am (nice, for distracting me from getting something to eat) and didn’t get home until shortly after that so that was the end of my cleanse-day, except for the Smooth Move I took before bed. I found a big downside to this cleanse, though: I drink a lot of water to stay hydrated, which has been recommended by everyone who has heard about it, and I didn’t realize how much I pee since I’ve been home and I can just pee whenever I want. However, getting out in public, especially at a movie, I feel my bladder starting to fill after just 20 minutes so I’m stuck between not staying hydrated and having to climb over people in a crowd theater to get out and pee again. The first movie was the worst, at two and a half hours long (only three pee-breaks in that one, and I saved the last one until after). The rest were better and I was able to pace myself, especially since I only had the one bottle of water (and couldn’t get any more because I had to have my own filtered water from home). In any case, lesson learned.

As for today, that marks half-way through this thing. I’ve made it this far, I don’t see why I can’t go the distance.

And my poops are really starting to stink.

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