Thursday, July 17, 2008

An Hour And A Half Ago

I had some peppermint tea last night while watching a movie. I’m so used to eating, usually popcorn, during a flick that drinking something, especially tea (which I rarely drink in the first place), was a strange experience.

Having first mixture of the day. At the same time I’m getting used to it, I’m also getting tired of it. I used a lime and a lemon yesterday in a mixture, instead of two lemons, and that was only a slight change.

I could probably stretch the last four lemons (and half-dozen limes) I have into tomorrow but I might as well go to Whole Foods today to get more. And since I’m out I need to get more maple syrup, since I go through that quick. And I’ve been told that the “dark ember” stuff is better, though a bottle of that is $18, not $17 like the regular stuff. Plenty of wheatgrass tablets left to take, though.

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