Monday, July 14, 2008

My schedule for the 10 days I'm on the diet, in case it's affected:
Monday -- Nothing planned except starting the cleanse.
Tuesday -- Lewis Black show taping with Emmy.
Wednesday -- HeroClix with friends at the comics shop.
Thursday -- Maybe all-day movie-day with Austin.
Friday -- Was supposed to be happy hour and my return to drinking but I can't do that if I'm on this diet so I canceled those plans. Presumably seeing The Dark Knight, if not on this day then over the weekend.
Saturday -- Art show in Eagle Rock in the evening.
Sunday -- In Riverside to see Racheal.
Monday -- Again, nothing planned, except maybe coming back from Riverside if I stayed the night.
Tuesday -- Possibly going to San Diego.
Wednesday -- Definitely in San Diego since the convention starts that night.
Then the next four days will be the convention and hanging out with Brian and friends but by that time it's been 10 days and I should be done with the diet by then. The cleanse fits in exactly with the time between now and being in San Diego for the convention but it's going to be tricky, with the last day of the cleanse being the first day of the convention. Also, I'm used to drinking and dining and partying while I'm there so this year will probably have to be different.

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