Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Officially, Officially Done

From last Thursday, the day after officially being done with the Master Cleanse (picture taken by Brian Griesbach):
I don't know what you can get from that picture but there it is, the After picture.

I had two solid, healthy poops today, which makes me think that, with the speed that my body is digesting food, that my colon is in better shape than it was before; I've heard it said that people with healthy digestive systems poop two to four times a day. I took it as a good sign, in any case.

Today was officially my return to a regular diet, without any restrictions from the cleanse. That was a breakfast of Grape-Nuts and indeed they tasted better than ever. I had a dinner of spinach-artichoke dip, half a caesar salad, and half a carne asada pizza from CPK (yeah, I know, but for some reason I was just itching for crappy pizza). Definitely felt bloated after that but that was my splurge to designate that I was officially done with the cleanse. I hope I don't eat like that more often but I think it was good this time.

That having been said, I'm off to Chicago for five days and certainly that will include fast food and junk to eat but I was planning on it anyway. I'm going to try to not go crazy with it but I know how I can be. We'll see. In any case, when I get back I'm back on a better, higher-fiber diet for as far as I can see. We'll see how this cleanse has affected my future habits (which was originally the reason I did it).

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