Monday, July 14, 2008


From Roxxy, over IM: “so much poop talk”
For the first bit. That's all I've had going on so far. I don’t know how much this cleanse will have to do with pooping but hopefully there’s something else going on.

I was thinking of going swimming one day this week, as I often do when it’s hot, but I’m not going to while cleansing. There’s something in the book about the toxins coming out through the pores in your skin and it’s probably best to not mix chlorine with that. I’ll live, in any case. But I have Epsom salt, which it says are good to bathe in and I think I’ll do that tonight (as I really should be bathing with some frequency while on this, no matter how much I’m staying home and avoiding being around people).

Currently hungry. If I wasn’t on this thing, I would have eaten by now. Not tired, though. Don’t feel like a nap. Maybe slightly dizzy and a little scatterbrained but that could come from the hunger.

Okay, I’m gonna make the mixture. Let’s do this.

1 comment:

Brother Atom Bomb of Reflection said...

Mar, I may choose not to follow this too closely, but I do hope that everything comes out fine (I was debating using the phrase "goes smoothly," butt asscertained that one was just as childish as the other). I just thought I'd leave this link to my favorite blog entry "Journey to the Center of My Colon."

Well, gotta run!