Monday, July 14, 2008

First Poop (Earlier)

I had written the previous entry and started double-checking when I felt that poop coming on. No big deal, I know my usual morning ones and it’s not a big deal to put it off for a bit. Then I got done halfway done editing that entry and there was no way, I had to get to the bathroom right then. Got there just in the nick of time (my computer and toilet are about 10 feet apart). It was a solid poop but there was a lot of water with it. And it kept going for a while, just like with diarrhea. So apparently the salt-water/filtered-water mixture is working. As I found out when I came back, I left halfway through typing a sentence. So there might be a bit of a delay in some of these entries.

It says you should be near a toilet for the first hour and a half after you take the salt-water mixture. That’s not a joke. It might even need to say that you should just plan to be on the toilet for at least an hour and a half.

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