Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Day 3

Got up around 10, had the salt-water mixture, a wheatgrass tablet an hour after that, my first mixture an hour after that. A lot like yesterday. Now having another mixture before I leave for a few hours, then, if it’s not too late when I get home, have another one then wait three hours then Smooth Move and go to bed. That’s my plan, at least.

You’ll notice the drop-off in entries starting Monday evening. I was very excited about this then got a few e-mails from people – good, knowledgeable friends – who had some concern about this diet and what I was doing, especially one friend whose knowledge I respect greatly who said that I could die on this thing. The message was a bit more extreme than it needed to be, and the fears I had went away after talking to my doctor-friend, but it did make me pause for a while and, to be honest, took away a lot of my excitement I had for this. But I decided to go ahead with the cleanse anyway and here I am on Day 3 and I’d like to see this through to the end. So far so good, at least. In any case, I’m going to try to get my enthusiasm back for this because there’s some other stuff I want to post, as well as more details about the cleanse itself and what I’m doing.

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