Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Day 10

This is it. I'm almost there. I've almost done it. Just counting down the hours now. Though it's not really even the cleanse that I'm concerned about being on, now it's the next four days of getting my body adjusted back to a normal diet; it's like four more days of being on the cleanse (getting to eat vegetable soup and fruit doesn't quite make up for it). But I knew this was what it was going to be like and now I'm almost through it.


Jason said...
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Jason said...

I may of been a "little" overzelous with my email but I was very, very worried. I didn't even know about your incident in 1996 and if I had I would of drove out to your house instead of calling you. You were playing with fire and I'm pretty sure you didn't even know you were.
I would have been fine if you said "A Doctor is overseeing me and for additional info I'll put up my Chem Panels." Well the Chem Panel might have been a bit much to want but it sure would of been interesting to see how your body was dealing with the changes.
I also want you to take it from my point of view. I deal or dealt with thousands of people who would come in and beg to be saved and then go right outside after I fixed them and smoke then end up in the same bed begging to be saved again. So I became harsh, kind, gentle, whatever it took to get them to understand that what they were doing wasn't good. There was the few I realised it was just to late. Enjoy the smoke while you can and I never treated anyone less for it.
Now imagine you are in my place and you are seeing and knowing that your friend is doing something that is detrimental to his being. Imagine you being me with the information you have and you ending up in a hospital and I had never tried.
I wouldn't be much of a friend if I hadn't sent the letter that I did. I think we all care it's just I had been in positions where I had taken care of people seriously harmed doing what you were doing. I had to listen to the Mom's cry, and talk to the sons and daughters, I even had to be the person who ended their loved ones life with a flick of a switch. It was never easy but that's why I got paid what I did because somebody had to do it and I knew that when I went into that room I cared.
What I want you to know is I don't want to be that friend that comes into the room and see's you lying there. Hell, I haven't even seen your daughter yet.
You have a friend out there who has seen and been put through all types of hell that most of you couldn't even imagine and as strong as I come across I'm not that strong.
I need friends like you, Tom, and Brian. I need to know that good people like you are still out there and always will be so next time take the time out to see a Doctor.
For all you guys thinking about doing this think about your family and friends and have a Doctor over see it.